Signing up

Help with the sign up process

Site sign up

When you create an account online you will be asked to verify your email in order to verify your account.

Once you have entered an email address and strong password you will be sent an email from us to verify your account. Simply click on the link in that email to finalise your account set up.

If you don't receive this email check your spam folder. If it is not in there please contact us at and we will be able to help you complete your registration.

NB: The link in the email is no longer valid once your account is activated. If you click on the link again you will be shown an error message. 

Invited users

Some users will be invited to the platform by a Partner or Affiliate of Omnos.

If this is the case you will have received an email with a link to sign up. 

This button contains a unique verification code to link the account to you.

Once you click on the link you will be asked to enter the email that the invite was sent to as well as a strong password to complete the account registration process.